Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Che è il primo?

Deadlock? Impasse? Disaster? Take your pick. It's all just another way to ask the age-old question: Who's on first?

Clearly the Italians don't know.  Whether it's a lack of federal government or pope, life in Italy is one rollicking good time. While the cardinals down in Rome continue to deliberate as to which one of them will be the next holy channel for God:

Up in Milan the debate is getting quite silly as to who will be the next Prime Minister. The billionaire soon-to-be jail bait, Silvio Berlusconi:

"I didn't do it!"
Or a former stand-up comedian that could easily be mistaken for one of the Marx brothers, Beppo Grillo:

"Zat man ees driving me crazy!"

The European Nation is all abuzz about how this might 'bring the whole economic house of cards down' but the locals I've been talking to over afternoon spritzes:

Seem to think it's all just business as usual. Now admit it...isn't this a refreshing change from good ol' American politics? (Rhetorical question.)

Breaking News!!!

This just in: the new pope is Argentinian, Jorge Maria Bergoglio! Gotta admire the quickness of those Roman Catholics, eh? There be celebrations throughout Italia tonight!

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