One of the first things you can't help but notice when you drive into Aviano are the surrounding mountains; sweeping vistas of farmland, fields and forest-covered hillsides rise quickly to the lower ramparts of the mighty Italian Dolomites.
Only a brisk half-hour walk away from town, these hills range from rolling to steep to very steep! And are perfect for getting back in touch with nature after a week immersed in crowds, history and the constant din of city traffic. Unexpectedly we found the hills laced with numerous trails leading hither and yon.
Hither |
Yon |
One of Cinzia's favorite places to visit (when the weather cooperates) is an old chapel on a nearby hill named San Giorgio - of 'Saint George and the Dragon' fame. It's the perfect place for a picnic of bread, cheese, olives and fruit since it's a short and easy hoof up to a magnificent view.
It's a lovely spot to sit and meditate on the mountains, the slowly budding trees and greening grass while letting the sun warm your bones; something all too needed in the unusually cold and wet winter most of Europe is having this year.